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HER Story

There’s so much to say about my fierce and feisty friend Cassie Rajewich. Cassie came to HER Tribal and found a community. She always knew she was a leader, she spent many successful years in the marketplace, but there was an untapped place in her identity that needed to thrive. Cassie became aware of her prophetic and intercessory gift as a young girl, watching her mother’s spiritual life, but as she grew, she needed a place to process and mature as she came into her own expression of the gift in her life. We connected in the middle of the pandemic when so much was shifting, people were desperate for connection. God led Cassie to a space and community that understood her and gave her space to be a strong women leader, with her unique purpose and giftings. She didn't have to hide or edit herself; she didn’t have to apologize. Cassie carries such a powerful message and a pioneering heart; her passion for helping women tell their bravest stories and living in financial freedom has transformed the mindset of many, setting them up to launch into their purpose.

We’ve had the privilege of walking with Cassie in our ORIGINS community over the last ten months. Cassie shared that her most powerful takeaways from ORIGINS were having someone who saw the gold in her. Someone to cultivate, advance, mature, and release, how God called her to flow in her gifts and destiny. It brought confirmation and validation to what she always knew deep down inside. The boldness within the group impacted her own business and ministry platform, bringing clarity and confidence in the next steps in her journey. Cassie shared that alignment was so important, She saw other women operating from their identity and in their giftings authentically; this was the spark that empowered her to lean into the transformational journey with ORIGINS.

This is why ORIGINS exist, We create space for women to authentically show up in all of God’s glory. A place where you don’t have to self-edit, diminish, or acquiesce to who the world expects you to be. HER Tribal was born from a whisper, spoken over coffee; women, young and old, expressed their need for more but felt like they couldn’t find the connection they were seeking. It wasn’t enough to attend church on Sunday, bible study, or small group on Wednesday, and maybe volunteer for a ministry event. These women could feel it in their core, “There’s more inside me” It was trapped and needed to get out.

this Summer we're telling the powerful stories of women who said yes, Yes to the "more" of God and the "more" inside them. Join us as we meet them and encounter what God is doing in women for such a time as this.


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Updated: Aug 2, 2021

Don't start strong, start weak.

I'd like to say I started this blog on a high note, from a place of strength and confidence, but that's not how I launch things; I typically do everything backward and upside down. Some people have launch teams and carefully calculated flow charts with a countdown, pretty posts, and lots of momentum.

On the other hand, I seem to start things in the middle of the wildness, hidden and unseen; It's just how Holy Spirit works with me. I prefer the safety of obscurity; If no one is around, no one can see you fall and wipe out, right? Nobody wants their messy beginnings broadcasted all over social media. When you see people launching something new and shiny, what that means is they have a team of experts behind the scenes making it all look effortless. Not this girl; it's just me behind this screen. So out of the many creative and spiritual adventures I've embarked on, I've learned there is no such thing as starting strong. It's not possible; everything around us proves this idea. Every newborn baby is completely helpless and can not survive one hour on its own. Trees don't start strong and tall; they're tiny little shoots breaking through heavy soil. So I haven't learned the art of the graceful and perfectly branded launch; instead, I've harnessed the posture of weakness with small and quiet beginnings.

"But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me." 2 Cor 12: 9-10

Everyone expected the savior of the world to come with a massive launch party and thunderous applause. Nope! He came hidden in a stinky cave full of animal poo. The only ones who knew of his arrival were those considered weak, lowly, and unnoticed by important society, i.e., the influencers of the day. This theme of hidden continues throughout His childhood and young adult life. Egypt and Nazareth were pretty low-key place. Then comes the moment he's been waiting for, Jesus' introduction to the world as a grown man ready to fulfill his purpose, time to get baptized! The sky opens, the voice of God speaks audibility in public for the first time in like centuries, "You are my Beloved Son." Heck yeah, this is the best launch party ever!!! Nope, He goes straight into the wilderness, hidden again.

See where this is going?

"Then Jesus put His hands over their eyes and said, "you will have what your faith expects!" and instantly their eyes opened -They could see! Then Jesus warned them sternly, "Make sure that you tell know one what Just happened!" Matthew 9:29-30

Even when Jesus began His public ministry, he still kept certain things small and hidden; that wasn't without purpose. Over and over, He told people who witnessed the glory of God through healing, signs, and wonders to be quiet about it. Have you ever wondered why? I'm not here to give you all the answers; we learn more when we discover the truth for ourselves. I'm learning more about the nature and character of the God who sees what goes down in secret and rewards openly.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." Zechariah 4:10

So all that to say, I wish I was more put-together, well planned, pragmatic, and strategic; I'm just not. Instead, I'm messy, spontaneous, and could be considered a foolish thing; that is the perfect combination for a new beginning.

"But God chose those whom the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise, and God chose the puny and powerless to shame the high and mighty." 1 Corinthians 1:27

In Love,


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