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HER Tribal Coaching

Discover it, Believe It, Pursue It

Your journey of discovery begins today. Whether you’re leading a business, ministry, or raising a family, you have a voice, and you have a unique contribution to give. We would love to help you find your voice and point it in the right direction. 


What are you waiting for?


Hey Sis,


Is there a voice trapped inside you?

Do you ever wish you had a personal and unique way to navigate life and leadership well?

Do you have the desire to grow and develop your spiritual gifts and influence?

Are you looking for a community of like-minded women to connect with?

Do you want more practical tools you can use to improve both your life and your leadership?


Find your voice - sharpen your skills - Step into influence.





HER Tribal's group and one-on-one coaching is a relational experience crafted to facilitate discovery, nurture your giftings, and activate your unique contribution in any area of influence. Coaching is about the whole person and not just what seems to be the problem.

We do this through an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers you to fully live out God's unique call and align with His shaping work in your life.





Find your Voice

Sharpen your skill

Step into influence

We dig deep and discover the flow of your unique gift blend; While taking a closer look at areas keeping you stuck. Finally, we'll reflect on your personal journey to gain more clarity on where God is leading you in the future.

We dig deep and discover the flow of your unique gift blend; While taking a closer look at areas keeping you stuck. Finally, we'll reflect on your journey to gain more clarity on where God is leading you in the future.

Gaining the confidence to step into your unique contribution, You will be ready to project your voice towards your sphere of influence. With built-in spiritual rhythms & awareness, you will be prepared to nurture the calling, the vision, and the dream faithfully; and launch into all you were created for.

Your first session

White and Gold Foil New Year Instagram S

 Discovery Session

50-minute discovery session  

What People are saying about 


Noelle Pennington, Client & Entrepreneur 

HER Tribal coaching with Sarah has been such a blessing to me and so helpful in my spiritual walk. She has not only coached me through so many areas but also genuinely cared for me as a mentor and counselor. I am so blessed to have someone with so much maturity and wisdom guiding me. She is the real deal, I would recommend her to everyone.


Nick Int'hout, Founder of Momentum Network

Sarah is a dynamic leadership coach and transformational prophetic voice. Over the last few years, I've seen her creatively inspire groups and individuals towards God's best for them. Sarah's words break through mental clutter and get to the heart of things. When she prays, you realize you're in the presence of someone dialed in to what God is up to as her voice pierces spiritual confusion. Perhaps her greatest quality is her unwavering commitment to trust God, committing herself to high levels of personal accountability and ongoing education. She's practicing what she's preaching. If you're looking for someone to come alongside you to catalyze your faith; you've found her. 


Donna Martin, Founder of Girl Turth, MFT

Sarah has a unique ability to bring laser focused clarity in the midst of an overwhelming season or circumstance. Her keen discernment and compassion have helped me to navigate through seasons where I couldn't really pinpoint the deeper issue. Her poignant questions and honesty always challenge me and help clear the spiritual fog. I'm forever grateful.

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